Migrate WW pool interfaces mitigating price impact displayed on osmosis UI


Now that the White Whale <> Osmosis interfaces are done, due to a documentation misinterpretation a query on the interface contracts used by the Osmosis frontend to display the price impact of a swap, i.e. SpotPrice, is returning a different value than the one expected, essentially 1/value.

The Osmosis team has deployed a hotfix for those interfaces to the price impact is showed correctly on the frontend, but to be consistent to the rest of the pools on Osmosis we are deploying a fix for that on the contract side.

Please note that this is only a cosmetic fix for the Osmosis UI, and that swaps are working as expected and returning the right values.


Tag: V1.0.2
Repo: Release v1.0.2 · White-Whale-Defi-Platform/white-whale-periphery · GitHub
Hash: b07fdc28264fa07faac687db18c42031fcd164b1e8cef4a5854919b2f73a49b5
Compiler: optimizer-arm64:0.15.0

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