This proposal will add the Banana DAO’s designated Osmosis outpost contract address (osmo1622a2new62qlyr7ke8g6sv23emspv6zlt3kjkwx84xfax6xulugq3wdkdx) to the list of those authorized to upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis, in order to upload the core Banana Vaults contract and any required updates to the vault contract. In the future, Banana DAO may seek to upload additional contracts to improve and extend the functions of Banana Vaults. If this is the case the DAO will seek approval for each specific contract.
How does it work?
Over the past 6 months, Banana DAO engineers have been working on creating an automated protocol for optimizing Osmosis Supercharged Liquidity yields. Banana Vaults represents the culmination of those efforts.
The Banana Vaults contract serves a similar function to other vaults. It is a repository for deposited funds and allocates shares based on deposit value. The contract’s operator computes the optimal ranges for the liquidity on deposit and sends instructions to the contract to move the deposited liquidity into the specified concentrated liquidity position. For simplicity, the current contract serves one Osmosis pool per vault. More information on the vaults can be found in the docs link at the bottom of this post.
As the contract, and Osmosis Supercharged Liquidity which underlies it, are still new technology, the initial beta rollout will have tight deposit caps The DAO will closely review performance and safety over this period, and a security fund will be established. It is expected that the beta phase will last between 1-3 months, after which deposit limits will be gradually increased at the DAO’s discretion.
Future developments
There are two planned improvements to Banana Vaults intended to be ready shortly after launch. The first is a wrapper contract that will allow liquidity providers to access multiple vaults (Osmosis pools) with a single deposit, to be optimally split between them. Relatedly, vault tokenization will be implemented to allow liquidity providers to more easily enter and exit vault positions, and allow further derivative use of vault assets.
What is Banana DAO?
Banana DAO is a decentralized bunch of buidlers, degens, and idea havers whose individual contributions to the Cosmos Ecosystem include core development, apps on several chains, and numerous public goods.
On Osmosis, Banana DAO as already made an impact by shifting incentives towards lower swap fee pools, with the goal of increasing liquidity efficiency and protocol revenue.
Docs: Intro - banana DAO