[Reminder for the on-going ION DAO governance]

Dear Community

Two ION DAO Proposals are LIVE to vote.
:link:ION DAO Proposal #12
:link:ION DAO Proposal #13

Proposal #12 is a revised version of the dev funding proposal, and Proposal #13 is to reward ION DAO governance participants.

Please take a moment to read the details of both Proposals and cast your vote before the voting is closed!

The current status of:
Proposal #12
- Turnout: 20.45%
- The voting will be closed at 15:54 UTC on August 23rd
Proposal #13
- Turnout: 19.50%
- The voting will be closed at 16:02 UTC on August 23rd

About the ION DAO governance

  • You must stake your ION prior to a proposal going on-chain to be eligible to vote.
  • ION is on the Osmosis chain, and ION DAO doesn’t have a standalone blockchain. Thus, ION DAO governance does NOT have PoS validators to which you can delegate your tokens for delegated governance participation. All votings must be done by yourself on https://ion.wtf/governance.
  • The governance quorum is 30%.
  • You can vote via the Keplr mobile app - https://twitter.com/_IONDAO/status/1673683679225483265?s=20
  • There is no minimum amount required to vote. Any amount of staked $ION will be eligible to vote.

:link:The ION DAOGovernance Guide: How to participate in ION DAO governance? | by $IBCX, the Interchain Index Token | Medium

Around 50 hrs left until the voting is closed!

Please cast your vote if you haven’t already.