Increase the minimum deposit requirement

We can already see two spam proposals:

We need to increase the minimum deposit requirement to submit a proposal from 0.05 ION (~$20) to 1 ION (~$390) and to make a proposal open from 0.5 ION (~$200) to 5 ION (~$1900)

You know, we haven’t easy way tool for proposal creation. We don’t have manual for proposal creation!!

I try to create the proposal but system answer is “Query failed with (18): failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error parsing into type ion_dao::msg::ExecuteMsg: Invalid type: execute wasm contract failed: invalid request”.

And I can’t solve it.


my heart said me something that:

		"wasm": {
			"execute": {
				"contract_addr": "osmo1k8re7jwz6rnnwrktnejdwkwnncte7ek7gt29gvnl3sdrg9mtnqkse6nmqm",
				"msg": "",
				"funds": []
	"wasm": {
		"execute": {
			"contract_addr": "osmo1k8re7jwz6rnnwrktnejdwkwnncte7ek7gt29gvnl3sdrg9mtnqkse6nmqm",
			"msg": {
				"update_config": {
					"name": "ION DAO",
					"description": "DAO of the ION holders",
					"threshold": {
						"threshold": "0.5",
						"quorum": "0.3",
						"veto_threshold": "0.3"
					"voting_period": {
						"time": 604800
					"deposit_period": {
						"time": 604800
					"proposal_deposit": "500000",
					"proposal_min_deposit": "50000"
			"funds": []

but it’s still not enough

Hi, @kwaskoff!

I’m really happy to see this proposal up here and strongly agree with increasing the deposit thresholds :slight_smile:

Before moving on, can I ask the rational why you proposed much higher deposit thresholds (1 ION to submit and 5 ION to open the voting period)?

Let me inform you of some details about changes in the dollar value of deposits.


At the launch of the DAO

  • Submit: 0.05 ION ≈ $50
  • Open: 0.5 ION ≈ $500


  • Submit: 0.05 ION ≈ $18.7
  • Open: 0.5 ION ≈ $187

Proposed by you

  • Submit: 1 ION ≈ $374
  • Open: 5 ION ≈ $1,870


Current Deposit Policy of the Osmosis Governance

  • Submit: 500 OSMO ≈ $168.139
  • Open: 1,600 OSMO ≈ $538.0448
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Regarding the message payload, you had to encode it as base64.

If you upload the message again, I can help you check the availability with some engineers :slight_smile:

Absolutely agree @kwaskoff . But would maybe do it with submit 0.5 ION and open with 3 ION(at these ION prices).

It somehow should be available for anyone to submit, but need community help to open.

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Hey, @kwaskoff!

First, please have discussions in the ION community to clarify the amounts you will propose.
Telegram: Contact @IONGovernanceWorkingGroup and here.
Maybe some people feel like the minimum 3 ION and, 5 ION for voting could be too high.

Now, let me help you encode it as base64.

If you’re a dev, you can refer to:

(() => {
  const base64Str = Buffer.from(
      update_config: {
        name: "ION DAO",
        description: "DAO of the ION holders",
        threshold: {
          threshold: "0.5",
          quorum: "0.3",
          veto_threshold: "0.3",
        voting_period: {
          time: 604800,
        deposit_period: {
          time: 604800,
        proposal_deposit: "500000",
        proposal_min_deposit: "50000",

  return [
      wasm: {
        execute: {
          msg: base64Str,
          funds: [],

If you’re not a dev, I recommend referring to the below link first to encode it as base64.


  "update_config": {
    "name": "ION DAO",
    "description": "DAO of the ION holders",
    "threshold": {
      "threshold": "0.5",
      "quorum": "0.3",
      "veto_threshold": "0.3"
    "voting_period": {
      "time": 604800
    "deposit_period": {
      "time": 604800
    "proposal_deposit": "5000000",
    "proposal_min_deposit": "1000000"

Once you encode the json as base64, you will see the value below.



After that, you can put the value to the {paste here} in the below. That’s it.

		"wasm": {
			"execute": {
				"contract_addr": "osmo1k8re7jwz6rnnwrktnejdwkwnncte7ek7gt29gvnl3sdrg9mtnqkse6nmqm",
				"msg": "{paste here}",
				"funds": []

To see if the outcome is valid: Explorer | Celatone Explorer for Cosmos chain.

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