Whitelist Valence's Deployment Address to Upload Contracts


This proposal seeks to grant the Valence deployment address osmo1h9zwxg9d8qs02w23k8fswg9lgx8eccwnjedhvm permission to upload contracts to Osmosis without requiring individual governance approval for each deployment. This would reduce friction, streamline development, and expand cross-chain innovation on Osmosis.

About Valence

Valence is a tech stack for building cross-chain financial applications. It provides developers with a unified execution environment to write, test, compile, and deploy trustless programs across any blockchain, rollup, or other crypto-native domain.

Why Now?

One of our key users is Hydro, the Hub’s Interchain Liquidity Allocator, which facilitates capital deployment across the interchain. Hydro is looking to use Valence to execute cross-chain programs involving actions on Osmosis. By granting Valence a pre-approved deployment address, we can accelerate Hydro’s integration and unlock broader adoption of Osmosis with cross-chain applications.

Benefits to Osmosis

Whitelisting Valence’s deployment address will:
:white_check_mark: Enable Hydro to increase liquidity and activity on Osmosis, boosting TVL and protocol usage.
:white_check_mark: Lower barriers for developers to integrate Osmosis into cross-chain applications, driving innovation.
:white_check_mark: Increase transaction fees and gas expenditure, benefiting Osmosis stakeholders.
This is a simple, low-risk, high-impact change that will foster long-term value for the Osmosis ecosystem.

Call to Action

We welcome community discussion and feedback on this proposal. If there is broad support, we will submit a formal governance proposal

Relevant Links

:small_blue_diamond: Website
:small_blue_diamond: Docs
:small_blue_diamond: X


Speaking for Hydro: We are really excited to use Valence to deploy funds to Osmosis as trustlessly as possible.

Currently, Hydro is deploying funds worth around $3,000,000 on Osmosis, utilizing a DAO/multisig. We would like Osmosis to be one of the first venues where Hydros liquidity is deployed without relying on this multisig, and instead purely guided by the rules coded into the Valence program. We have been working closely with the Valence team over the last months, and we are close to feeling confident to use the stack in production.

I personally think Valence is one of the pieces that will enable cross-chain DeFi, like Hydro, to work with much less friction, and Osmosis is one of the key venues that will benefit from being more seamless to interact with from throughout the interchain.


Supportive of this!

Both selfishly as a member of the hydro committee multisig wanting to automate more of the deployment process and as someone who wants it to be easier to get hydro POL on Osmosis. :grin:

The prop is low risk (the Valence team is well-known and high quality) and will drive good value to Osmosis. Yes from me.


Bring the crosschain activity! I’m supportive.


Sounds interesting.

Is there also more to be seen with respect to the multisig and deployed funds right now?
And how that exactly will be done using Valence?

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Thanks for the interest! I will drop a few links here that give more context:

The funds are deployed for Hydro: https://hydro.cosmos.network/.

The DAO/multisig that is holding the funds can be found here: Hydro Committee

The best documentation for Valence can be found here: Introduction - Valence Protocol Documentation

We also have a WIP doc on how Hydro is integrating Valence here if you are curious: Hydro liquidity deployment tool - Google Docs

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