Whitelist Ark Protocol's Developer Wallets for InterChain NFT Contracts

Proposal: Whitelist Ark Protocol’s Developer Wallets for InterChain NFT Contracts


We propose to whitelist Ark Protocol’s developer wallets to enable InterChain NFT (ICS721) contracts on Osmosis. This will:

  • Enhance NFT interoperability across Cosmos chains
  • Foster innovation and growth within the Osmosis ecosystem
  • Streamline contract deployment and updates

Ark Protocol and Stargaze are closely collaborating on managing InterChain contracts. Whitelisting Ark’s wallets will improve efficiency and allow for the deployment of additional NFT utilities.

Security Measures

Developer Wallets to Whitelist

  • Team Wallet
    • osmo19pmppgpqnjkvjp6mx8q2dpuy382g4hhx4sc4xy
  • Mr T (Founder of Ark Protocol)
    • osmo1vtpt9kwjywm3xpake4v8sjmh2uxqq57ha7kstx
  • Tatsen (Co-founder of Ark Protocol)
    • osmo1trghmhd4d9qcf9d0lsyesxzj3aasqg9shl9tfx


Collaboration with Stargaze

  • Joint Management of InterChain Contracts
    • DAO: DAO DAO
    • Contracts managed by both teams

Why Ark Protocol Needs Its Own Whitelist

Mission and Activities

  • Building InterChain Utilities
    • Managing contracts on Stargaze, Osmosis, Juno, Terra
  • Expansion Plans
    • Deploy on all CosmWasm chains: Injective, Neutron, Migaloo and more!
  • Recent Approvals

View Collections Ready for InterChain Transfers:

Benefits to Osmosis

  • Enhanced NFT Interoperability
    • Seamless NFT transfers to and from Osmosis
  • Innovation and Growth
    • Attract new users, artists, developers
    • Deploy new NFT utilities and features
  • Improved Efficiency
    • Faster contract deployment and updates
  • Strengthened Collaboration
    • Continued close work with Stargaze

Existing Approvals

Request to the Community

  • Vote YES
    • Whitelist Ark Protocol’s developer wallets
    • Support efficient deployment of InterChain NFT contracts
    • Promote growth and innovation on Osmosis
  • Vote NO
    • Continue existing process:
      • Creators request Ark for interchain
      • Ark develops ICS721/CW721 features
      • Notify Stargaze for uploads
      • Stargaze informs Ark about new code IDs
      • Ark provides migration/whitelisting messages and requests Stargaze DAO proposals
      • Ark handles support and maintenance on all chains
      • Ark awaits approval and informs creators
    • Result: Slows development and innovation

Next Steps

  • Discussion Period
    • Welcome community feedback and questions
  • Governance Vote
    • Proceed to vote after discussion
  • Implementation
    • Deploy InterChain NFT contracts on Osmosis upon approval

Thank you for your support!

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Our prop is now live: https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/osmosis/proposals/850

I missed the pre-discussion period, but it is also good to note that weekends are not the busiest periods here :stuck_out_tongue:

With that being said; is there a downside of managing the ICS721 standard over 2 teams? Does this also mean that NFTs will be able to travel to Injective since you also deployed the contracts there?

Please also note all contracts across all chains are managed by 2 DAOs:

In both DAOs all 5 Ark founders are included. 2 of them - including me are publicly doxxed. Remaining 3 are internally doxxed.

And for Stargaze there’s an explicit DAO with 3 members each from both teams:

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No, no downside at all. It’s even good having 2 teams, e.g. as backup, managing InterChain NFT contracts (aka “ics721”) - since it is mission critical and we need make sure to support, protect the NFT community as much as possible!

And YES: NFTs will be able to transfer to Injective very soon. On the way forward, we will add even more chains!

We’ve learned our lessons from UST depeg. That was the time and reasoning why Ark Protocol was founded! The MORE chains we enable and NFTs could possibly transfer to, the LESS risks there will be for the NFT community.

Bottom line: Ark’s here for protecting the NFT community!

Thanks for your input, mate :pray:!

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