Upload CW Burner Admin Contract

Passing this proposal will upload the CW Burner Admin contract to the Osmosis chain.


The CW Burner Admin is a CosmWasm contract designed to serve as a tokenfactory admin that exclusively allows burning tokens, while preventing any minting operations. This smart contract provides a secure and controlled mechanism for implementing token burning strategies on the Osmosis blockchain in a decentralized manner.

Key features of the contract include:

  • Restricted administrative capabilities that only allow token burning operations while ensuring an accurate token supply count in the Bank module
  • Complete prevention of token minting or further change of admin rights, ensuring a strictly deflationary mechanism
  • Compatible with IBC-Hooks for burning from other IBC connectedchains
  • Exhaustive testing utilizing Osmosis Test-Tube

Contract Information

  • Release: V1.0.0
  • Code repository: GitHub - kakucodes/cw_burner_admin
  • Checksum: 4f380e1d087ad368e5ce817679c2de7db15557067b0ad4b7fb4e2fb884d03dd9
  • Compiler Version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.16.0
  • Commit ID: 234bf576147f08e3684c435b68546cb107eba16f
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There is a similar feature on the Chihuahua-chain.

Did you investigate that one as a basis or did you start from zero?