Upload CrossChain Registry Contract V1
Passing this proposal will upload V1 of the Crosschain Registry contract to the Osmosis chain.
The set of contracts within the XCS bundle enables trades on Osmosis to be carried out remotely from another chain connected to Osmosis by IBC.
Version two of the contracts simplifies the usage of crosschain swaps by keeping registries with information about IBC channels used, denoms used on Osmosis, and when to use packet forward middleware vs. callbacks.
The Crosschain Swaps contract receives a token transfer from chain A, looks up the required information from the Crosschain Registry contract, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for a different token, and then forwards it to a destination address specified in the original transaction.
This instance then looks up the correct information to use from the linked instance of the Crosschain Registry contract and, using this, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for the desired token.
The resultant tokens are then forwarded to the address initially specified in the memo, be that a return to the address on Chain A or forwarding to an address on Chain C.
Full Documentation: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts/crosschain-swaps
Contract information
Release: V1
Compiler Version: cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.10
Checksum: 5780a3358cd917fcf05d9f181c56f26904ae45fa68cc355738a75ad263458390
Code repository: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts
Commit ID: b90dfad7f2ab8ecdd2806cb51dfa9a72fb80a469
On Chain date: 21st September 2023
Upload Swaprouter Contract V2
Passing this proposal will upload an updated version of the Swaprouter contract to the Osmosis chain.
The set of contracts within the XCS bundle enables trades on Osmosis to be carried out remotely from another chain connected to Osmosis by IBC.
Version two of the contracts simplifies the usage of crosschain swaps by keeping registries with information about IBC channels used, denoms used on Osmosis, and when to use packet forward middleware vs. callbacks.
The Crosschain Swaps contract receives a token transfer from chain A, looks up the required information from the Crosschain Registry contract, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for a different token, and then forwards it to a destination address specified in the original transaction.
This instance then looks up the correct information to use from the linked instance of the Crosschain Registry contract and, using this, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for the desired token.
The resultant tokens are then forwarded to the address initially specified in the memo, be that a return to the address on Chain A or forwarding to an address on Chain C.
Full Documentation: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts/crosschain-swaps
Contract information
Release: V2
Compiler Version: cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.10
Checksum: f8fca2b93dcd4cf0b41b964ba4c6523094dd3097c3269bc88c87f68edc0a9c00
Code repository: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts
Commit ID: b90dfad7f2ab8ecdd2806cb51dfa9a72fb80a469
On Chain date: 21st September 2023
Upload Crosschain Swaps Contract V2
Passing this proposal will upload an updated version of the Crosschain Swaps contract to the Osmosis chain.
The set of contracts within the XCS bundle enables trades on Osmosis to be carried out remotely from another chain connected to Osmosis by IBC.
Version two of the contracts simplifies the usage of crosschain swaps by keeping registries with information about IBC channels used, denoms used on Osmosis, and when to use packet forward middleware vs. callbacks.
The Crosschain Swaps contract receives a token transfer from chain A, looks up the required information from the Crosschain Registry contract, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for a different token, and then forwards it to a destination address specified in the original transaction.
This instance then looks up the correct information to use from the linked instance of the Crosschain Registry contract and, using this, interacts with the Swap Router contract to exchange the received token for the desired token.
The resultant tokens are then forwarded to the address initially specified in the memo, be that a return to the address on Chain A or forwarding to an address on Chain C.
Full Documentation: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts/crosschain-swaps
Contract information
Release: V2
Compiler Version: cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.10
Checksum: 3839d7281088f0152f643d57854e0625fd709db151e6dfe12da02f00efc3477e
Code repository: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/cosmwasm/contracts
Commit ID: b90dfad7f2ab8ecdd2806cb51dfa9a72fb80a469
On Chain date: 21st September 2023