I’m a frequent Osmosis user because it’s easy to use. However, I find it very difficult to see my tx history like in a CEX.
Something easy to read, unlike mintscan where it’s impossible for me to have those infos easily:
tx type: swap, in/out of pools or Dapps, transfer ibc/bridge
Status: succes, failed etc…
Would be nice to have a tab for that that would include and kind of copy the “Transfert History” section that is already on the UI.
Yes I was just about to create a new discussion about this exact issue. This will help Osmosis grow into a DEX for all assets. Also you are spot on with mintscan not being a great option for viewing transactions. It takes way too much time to have to click on every sway transaction to determine which assets were swapped. I hope this gets integrated soon for better user experience.
I was going to post the same thing.
Love osmosis and I love my keplr but trying to get clear trx histories is a bit of a mystery.
A feature like this would be super helpful for tracking my defi activities.
Is there no progress on this? Having a nice history of swaps in extractable to csv file format would be great. I know it is not simple because the transactions are sometimes quite complicated but you should be able to do this!