Create WBTC/Stable Supercharged pools

This proposal would create six new Supercharged Liquidity pools, establishing initial Supercharged liquidity venues for Native WBTC:

  • WBTC/USDC, 0.2% Spread
  • WBTC/USDC, 0.05% Spread
  • WBTC/USDT, 0.2% Spread
  • WBTC/USDT, 0.05% Spread
  • WBTC/DAI, 0.2% Spread
  • WBTC/DAI, 0.05% Spread


During the rollout period, the creation of Supercharged Liquidity pools is permissioned by governance as established in Proposal 532.

Choice of Pools

This Pool selection is a pairing of WBTC with all current Quote assets that are stable tokens.

WBTC will be the Quote asset for volatile pairings as the highest market cap asset, and several of these will follow in a future proposal.

The higher spread factors mirror the current spread factors used on Classic pools. The lower spreads will potentially be more efficient at collecting rewards for the same liquidity, as seen in other concentrated liquidity models. The addition of two levels of the spread factor will enable the market to decide where liquidity reward collection is optimal.

Target On-chain date: Latest of 17th September and Native WBTC Launch

Very good to create these pools. Native assets >> wrapped assets any day.

Will the liquidity in the pools also be migrated from the wrapped assets to these newly created ones?

Should be possible via the Transmuter module, yes. Will be a user activated option still though.

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Will that be facilitated?
So that even people bonded in a long-range can migrate?