Verify PHMN token on Osmosis

Good morning to all the Osmosis community. This proposal asks Osmosis community to recognize PHMN on Osmosis as the verified asset.

Brief intro:

POSTHUMAN is a dedicated and experienced PoS validator and the first decentralized validator in the Cosmos Ecosystem. We validate and support Osmosis since genesis in various ways and forms, as well as the other 35+ chains.

Chain list is available on our website (Not all the chains are displayed due to moniker updating process, and not all the chains are supported by Mintscan.)

List of our contributions to Osmosis

As a community-oriented validator, we educate crypto-users on how to leverage crypto for various needs and how to use applications. We do not sell tokens/do not do paid shills and stuff.

Speaking of our decentralization, most of the aspects regarding POSTHUMAN validator are controlled by the POSTHUMAN DAS such as:

  • commission update
  • to stop validating some network etc.

Unfortunately, there’s no stack to fully distribute and automatize everything, but we’re looking towards it and constantly taking steps towards absolute decentralization.

Osmosis pool and PHMN as the verified asset:

Back in the day, we created a pool on Osmosis to diversify price pressure from JUNO/PHMN pool on WYND DEX after 99.85% community decision to move to Osmosis as the premier Cosmos DEX and Liquidity Hub.

Osmosis Pool 1255

Also, we do have a pool with IBCX, and as far as our knowledge goes, that was the only pool at the moment with IBCX.

Osmosis Pool 1254

And now, we paired PHMN with OSMO

Osmosis Pool 1738

Our team comprises 13 core team members, 2172 DAS Holders, and ~100k individual delegators across all chains. 72.5% of PHMN supply is locked in DAS.

To wrap that up, PHMN verification is demanded by the wide POSTHUMAN community, and to be honest, it’s a bit uncomfortable to explain why the asset is unverified to newcomers and OG community for almost one year in a row.

If there are still any questions, please feel free to leave them here or reach out to us via any of our socials:

  • Twitter/X - @posthuman_dvs

  • Telegram - @posthuman_dvs

  • Discord

Links aren’t active due to 10 links limitation.


  • Who are liquidity providers? - POSTHUMAN Validator constantly adds 20% of the validator’s income to PHMN liquidity.

  • What’s the total supply of PHMN? - 131,072 PHMN is the max supply, which will be reached by 2030 according to tokenomics.

  • Where can I get detailed information about PHMN token?- Right here: PHMN Tokenomics


Please see the requirements for Verified status on Github and submit a PR to the assetlist repo after confirming that all requirements are met.
Signaling proposals onchain are not the method for this, we just need all the information filling in.


All right, thank you! We’re on it!

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I support this proposal.