Signaling Proposal: ODIN IBC Channel Transition

@JohnnyWyles No, a refund is not necessary for users holding the Channel 3 version of ODIN (ibc/C360EF34A86D334F625E4CBB7DA3223AEA97174B61F35BB3758081A8160F7D9B), as they can easily transfer their assets back to the home chain. Osmosis can also provide a deposit & withdrawal link that directs users to the ODIN dashboard, where they can manage their assets efficiently.

To prevent further complications, we urge the immediate implementation of the proposed IBC change on both the Osmosis asset and the Cosmos chain GitHub. This update is crucial to discourage users from transferring funds via Channel 3. Since channel-3 is preferred IBC connection within the Cosmos registry Leap & Keplr allow users to still move using channel-3 and getting the funds stuck.

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