Signaling Proposal for Matching External QSR incentives to QSR/OSMO pool #1060


This is a signaling proposal to match external QSR incentives with the QSR/OSMO pool (#1060). Quasar incentives, amounting to 914,600 QSR over a 90-day period, were recently proposed in Quasar Proposal #5. This proposal seeks to authorize a match for this batch of incentives for the same duration (90 days).

Incentives Justification

Quasar is enhancing the Osmosis AMM by directing more liquidity to the platform by making LP provisioning into multiple Osmosis liquidity pools a two-click experience. This is made possible with our IBC-enabled vaults using ICQ and ICA modules. As we move forward, Quasar aims to provide more vaults with enhancements to the Osmosis experience (such as concentrated liquidity vaults) and enable anyone holding and staking QSR tokens to create their own vaults and strategies. As such, Quasar has the potential to be a key contributor in improving and personalizing the DeFi experience, particularly for the IBC-enabled ecosystem.

Quasar will continue to provide and maintain vaults for users, as they are an ideal tool and UX for most people, especially in the case of concentrated liquidity. We have been clear in value, incentive, and vision alignment with Osmosis since our inception and will continue to build upon Osmosis contracts to offer a unique and accessible UX to create new and optimized yield opportunities.

About Quasar

Quasar is building the primary asset management hub of the Cosmos ecosystem, representing the gateway to IBC-enabled yield opportunities. We have co-developed the official ICQ implementation and pioneered IBC-enabled CosmWasm contracts for Interchain Vaults. We run on our own L1 Cosmos appchain and recently launched our native token, QSR.

We are a global team passionate about improving the Cosmos UX by pushing forward IBC while abstracting away unwieldy technical details for users. We’re striving to become the premier yield aggregator across all of IBC.

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @quasarfi
Discord: Quasar
GitHub: Quasar Labs · GitHub

Incentive matching: ok
Regular incentive program: not before we are close to the end of the incentive period.


Seems pretty standard now - match the first period, ask for native incentives going forward.

With Quasar’s use of Osmosis liquidity and imminent deployment of vaults I’d even vote in favour of native immediately, so matching easily gets my vote.


@vladosdao you’ve passed the 3 days waiting period, so this one is allowed on chain. There seems to be not so much opposed, so I guess it will be smooth sailing :slight_smile:


Thanks! Will be sending this on chain today, perhaps. Wanted to wait till Monday for better visibility :slight_smile:

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For a project like Quasar, what would be the most efficient and effective value-aligned use of OSMO AND QSR resources to bootstrap the QSR/OSMO liquidity pool and liquidity vaults on Quasar?

A) enable SFS simultaneously with matched external liquidity incentives;

B) enable internal liquidity and matched external liquidity incentives simultaneously and delay enabling SFS;

C) enable internal, matched external, and SFS simultaneously;

D) provide just matching external liquidity incentives for now; or

E) other - eg offer an AXL and STARS like loan to QSR in addition to providing either matched external incentives, internal liquidity incentives, and or enabling SFS.


Thanks for the question @RedRabbit33.
Starting with our own incentives is our current focus. As we progress, we’re open to considering CL pools. These could be more efficient, needing less capital. Plus, since our OSMO/QSR pool is fully protocol-owned, switching should be straightforward. So, while option C, with internal, matched external, and SFS all at once, may seem appealing, we believe in a step-by-step approach.