So Pool #1062 USDC:IST has ~$10.2k in liquidity, which is ~1/5th of Pool #906 CMST:DAI:IST , but has ~47.4% greater 7 day volume than Pool #906.
While Pool $939 USDC:USDT has 80% ($8.2K) more liquidity than Pool #1062, and a 7 day volume that is 85% ($29.2K) greater, when normalized on a per a per dollar of liquidity basis, Pool #1062 has almost the same 7 day volume as Pool #939 USDC:USDT.
Pool #939 USDC:USDT
For every dollar of liquidity, there was $3.45 in volume the past 7 days.
($63,400/$18,400 = $3.45)
Pool #1062 USDC:IST
For every dollar of liquidity, there was $3.35 in volume the past 7 days.
($34,200/$10,200 = $3.35)
(A 3% difference. 3.45-3.35-0.1. 0.1/3.35= 0.02985)
Furthermore, based on the current Regular Incentive Adjustment Spreadsheet, adding Pool #1062 seems like there would still be fewer OSMO incentives spent on stable-stable category pools in total than what is being spent on the Pool #938 USDC:avaxUSDC:polyUSDC, which would support ~3x more liquidity and generate more in fees too. (This doesnât take into account Hathorâs Nodes optimization though.)
From the current Regular Incentives Adjustment Spreadsheet:
Pool # - Liquidity - Spread Factor - Daily OSMO Spend
Pool #908 CMST:DAI:IST - $52.9K Liquidity - $0 - 1.44 OSMO Daily
Pool #939 USDC:USDT - $10.8K Liquidity - $1 - 3.87 OSMO Daily
Total = $63.7K Liqudity - $1 - 5.31 OSMO Daily
Pool #938 USDC:avaxUSDC:polyUSDC - $20.8K Liquidity -$0 - 12.10 OSMO Daily
Just thought I would put it out there.