Osmosis Support Lab Transparency Report #2 - by Interbloc


Another 2 months have passed of the OSL’s operation, as stated in our previous report Osmosis Support Lab Transparency Report #1 - by Interbloc, we are doing a 2 month report of OSL’s operations.

The structure of the report will be:

  1. OSL performance and service coverage

  2. Areas of opportunity and improvement

  3. Suggestions from Interbloc (executed and pending)

OSL performance and service coverage

OSL continues to provide excellent support service to Osmosis’ users. We also noticed a significant increase in user support requests as the market has recovered since October. Currently the ticket volume is at 400% increase in the amount of tickets vs September 2023.

Month Tickets
2023-Sep 478
2023-Oct 719
2023-Nov 724
2023-Dec 1655
2024-Jan 1457

source data for HelpCrunch (web widget) here: Helpcrunch Report - Google Sheets

Here is the P3M heatmap to show the heavy amount of ticket requests, especially around the 12-20 UTC timeblocks. There will probably be a need to increase staff during those times in the next proposal.

In regard to treasury management the OSL has enough to cover its responsibilities for the service period, with an expected surplus to be shared in the renewal proposal.

You can check the available treasury here: Osmosis Support Lab and the payment proposals here: Osmosis Support Lab

You will notice in Spend 10 (here Osmosis Support Lab | Spend 10) that there was a payment for a $286 bug bounty, this was done at the request of Osmosis Foundation and they will reimburse OSL.


The system of a single point of contact has been effective to handle any communication. Since Maquina and CryptoAssasin personally provide other services to Osmosis Foundation, they have also been a channel of communication for technical issues that arise or the dev team responds to. There has since been a new Tech-related telegram group to discuss specific issues directly with the dev team.

Mava implementation

After further work with the Mava service, we’ve decided for OSL to remain using help crunch since Mava’s widget and support management were in the end inferior to the current HelpCrunch tool. Interbloc will start working on creating an AI plugin for HelpCrunch since the AI responses are the main USP for Mava that would help in the mission to service users.

Status of Interbloc recommendations

  • Changing support tool to Mava (canceled)

  • Auditor position (pending)

After the failure to deliver from RedRabbit, coldchain will acquire these responsibilities, ending his duties as support staff. Surplus from this budget will be directed to Max and Jason for their additional responsibilities acquired during this period.

  • Clear and defined schedules (completed)

  • Transparent budget (completed)

  • Limited scope for OSL (completed)

Although the scope of OSL activities has been limited to user support only, there does seem to be a need for additional support for issues that are left unresolved by developers and other parties that operate on the Osmosis ecosystem. Latest example being the Autonomy limit order failure to deliver and keep users funds stuck in the contract, see here for the proposal from OSL to fix that mistake, there is no compensation from the development work for the recovery tool by Jason and the development work by coldchain.

Closing thoughts

This period highlights the need to increase the support budget to handle the increase in users and tickets, especially around the US active time zone. We’ve recommended OSL to open applications to recruit more members and increase the number of available staff on all time zones, specially the US active time zone.

These reports will be created by coldchain going forward and we appreciate any input on this report and for any comments you can contact me through the forums, on the Osmosis discord and telegram (@luisqagt).


People would probably say I am not neutral as I am a part of Interbloc.

But I just wanted to say that this is a very good transparency report. I like it.