Allow Cancellation of Autonomy Limit Orders


On Nov 16, 2023 the admin of the Autonomy Registry-Stake contract, which controls Autoswap Limit Orders, changed a config param that disallowed further creation or cancellation of orders, essentially bricking the contract. We speculate that this was done because the front end was live long past the contract itself stopped being maintained, so they wanted to stop new stuck orders from being created without regard for existing orders.


The Osmosis Support Lab proposes to upload a modified version of the Registry-Stake contract (see diff of changes) and migrate the existing contract to the new code using a store and migrate type proposal. This will NOT change the actual admin of the contract, which would allow future migrations, it will simply allow the OSL to edit the config to allow order cancellation but keep new order creation disabled. Note that users will still need to cancel any pending orders, which can be done at Cancel Autoswap by jasbanza. The process has been tested on the Osmosis testnet and the Autonomy contract was successfully disabled using the same params as mainnet and then repaired.

The new contract’s source code can be viewed in this repo: GitHub - doggystylez/unbrick-autonomy at unfuck. Bytecode to be uploaded was compiled at commit ddb99b970e7fbf8fcbf40605f5407b6e0c350f06 using cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0, checksum 249d2db93c0101c91d61ff7448ca8015df4aa06f11f940635e08bd3ba2c3791a


Thanks for showing again why the OSL exists.

Creating solutions for problems created by others which hinder users of Osmosis or associated apps is a value-adding service which is awesome that we were able to save during the bearmarket. It will put Osmosis at the front of UX which will surely pay out later.