Namada is coming to Osmosis 🤗 and we made a thing!

Hello :wave:

I’m Gavin, long-time OSMO staker, founder of Knowable and Luminara :low_brightness:

Luminara is a core Namada team, and we’re working on many different community initiatives (such as the recent Donor Drop), with many great folks–like Veight :heart: from TuDudes. And we’ve made a thing :eyes:

:point_down: Scroll down for the Namada explanation…

Namada has five mainnet phases :raised_hand:
Phase 5 will be the last, enabling NAM transfers. Phase 4 will enable NAM rewards for users shielding OSMO, TIA, ATOM. Kinda like staking, but for data protection (and never locked).

Mon Feb 24, Mainnet Phase 3 begins, enabling everyone to use IBC to shield OSMO. (Also, technically it will be possible to do shielded Osmosis swaps, but no UI yet).

To celebrate, we’ve made physical Namada-Osmosis coins to give out at EthDenver :tada:


  • We’ve created, produced, and will transport 200 physical OSMO-Namada coins to EthDenver :building_construction:
  • We’ll distribute the coins at EthDenver :parachute:
  • (Optional) We can produce some basic co-marketing materials :art:


  • (OPTIONAL) Distribution ideas :open_hands:

    • @DavidJGoosey, Veight (TuDudes), Maurice (Heliax) will be distributing coins in person at various EthDenver events. Any other ideas?
  • (OPTIONAL) Landing page :dart:

    • can be co-designed (or give us your input), this is where the embedded NFC would send the coin holders: (blank slate!)

HUGE thanks to @aaronxkong for helping us to get OSMO to these coins :raised_hands:

About Namada

Namada is a very “Cosmosy” L1, just very different under the hood. It’s the sister project of Anoma, and the first of the Anoma ecosystem. Fun facts: cofounder Christopher Goes, who led the creation of IBC, made Wyvern as an open source project to learn Solidity, and then Opensea adopted it as their backend. This was the earliest form of intents.

Similar to how Osmosis is a liquidity appchain, Namada will be a data protection appchain. Being able to choose what to reveal and when will be a new unlock, a new builder primitive.

Namada will soon offer programmable cross-chain data protection (“Shielded Actions”) to retrofit privacy for other chains: their wallets, dapps, tokens, NFTs, and DAOs. We’re excited to create a community of Shielded Action developers, and with the Namada SDK we hope to make integrating this new superpower as easy as possible.

Soon Namada will issue NAM rewards for shielding IBC assets like OSMO (and TIA, ATOM) initially. Namada is progressing through the Phases of Mainnet, and on Monday Feb 24, users will begin shielding OSMO (Phase 3). It’s not in the Namadillo interface yet, but technically it will be possible to execute shielded Osmosis swaps :fire:

The Heliax team is building out an Osmosis integration for shielded swaps, and we made these physical coins as a fun cultural artifact.

Wow, you’ve read all the way to the bottom :open_mouth:
Feel free to reply here or join the convo in the Namada forum!

(also we’re preparing to do another Donor Drop :shushing_face:)
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Would amazing to open source stl for these coins so we can distribute it also to local events

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These coins are sweet. Future distribution hack idea.

Make them with different OSMO denominations (1, 5, 20, 100 or something) and host a poker tourney using these as playing chips. Winner earns a bunch of shielded OSMO :grin:


Make them with different OSMO denominations (1, 5, 20, 100 or something) and host a poker tourney using these as playing chips. Winner earns a bunch of shielded OSMO :grin:

omfg this is brilliant


Poker is instantly where my mind went seeing these goodies! These are a neat novelty.


Join the ethdenver physical coin telegram group! to track down coins :coin: :point_left: