I think we really need to alter advertised Pool APRs


I am a fan of Osmosis, and I have a concern that I would like to share with the community. Like many of you, I have followed the production of the Osmosis Ecosystem. I like the product that they have developed. It is user-friendly, and provides a good DEX experience.

That being said, I am concerned with the advertised APRs as it relates to providing liquidity on pools. When Osmosis advertises that people can make hundreds of percent providing liquidity on certain pools, but the reality of what they earn is significantly less, I believe it degrades the overall reputation and value proposition of the platform. Put plainly, most people are relatively new to the crypto world and it already suffers from reputational degradation via bad actors. When Osmosis advertises these types of APRs and, on average, rarely actually delivers them, they are more likely to be lumped in with bad actors in the industry.

You guys have a great product here. I understand that the industry is very competitive, but I don’t think misleading APRs are the way to be competitive long-term. Don’t get lumped in with a crowd that you do not reasonably belong in. Make things easy to understand and set realistic expectations for participants.

One fan’s take. I appreciate all of your hard work.


Thanks for putting it up on the forum!

Can you include some examples?
It might be worth to backwards engineer the outcome of the incentives and the shown APRs.

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A few days ago I added to the wBTC/USDC pool. At that time the advertised rewards were like 700+% today they are advertised at over 100% see screenshot. So presumably, a stake of approx $90 USD equivalent value would earn somewhere between $0.50 - $2 equivalent value / day if prices stayed relatively steady and advertised rates were correct. It has been several days and the actual reward is like two cents. Additionally, a different APR is listed in gray once providing liquidity to the pool that is like 1 something %. The argument that I am making is that to the average person, this is going to be a disappointing experience. I think we would be further ahead just listing what an average person would likely receive by providing liquidity. The OSMO Boost thing just makes it confusing.


Yeah some kindof at least historical data would be somewhat helpful, but really what we need is a way to determine at least some vaguely accurate estimate of what a user could expect… I’m trying to work on this but it’s a bit of a task. If anyone would like to help by all means please send me a message on telegram @BasementNodes

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Ah yes, I see.

There is a small (i) already located on the pools overview, but might be slightly cryptic:

Worth noting is that while adding liquidity to the pool there is also a simulated APR shown on the top right:

That % is much more in line with your screenshot.

Small idea; should it be changed that the range of possible APR percentages is shown?
So not this:

But more like this:

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This solution is what is being worked on at the moment.

APR calculations in Supercharged pools are complicated and this is the third or fourth iteration now attempting to accurately reflect the APRs seen by equivalent tick ranges based on both past return as well as past tick ranges that have been active.


I think I found all the actual datapoints I need here… we’ll see how it goes lol.

totally agree here, the APR rates very misleading.

one thing to keep in mind, overnights and weekends you will notice less rewards coming in due to lower volume, totally expected, so I was averaging things over a few days or a week and APR was not close to advertised. It would also be great if you could auto rebalance according to your “aggressiveness” preference.

From my perspective, that would be a step in the right direction

Don’t know if I can help, but happy to try

Also, a better explanation as to the pros / cons - benefits / risks of supercharging. I am pretty unclear on that and I assume many others are as well.

It is hard to understand how these pools work, but you can think of each position like abstracted limit orders really.

Take a read through this – guides-and-info/readme/interacting-with-osmosis/diy-limit-order.md at main · osmo-support-lab/guides-and-info · GitHub

Thanks for your help I will look through the docs