How are the trading routes determined?

I have just created a new supercharged pool USDC-DSM (Pool-1271) and ramped up its liquidity. Previously, the only two DSM pools are the standard ATOM-DSM (Pool-618) and DSM-OSMO (Pool-619):

Now, even with this new USDC-DSM pool which accounts for most of the DSM’s liquidity, when user want to trade USDC<>DSM, the route determined by Osmosis is still a combination of pools involve USDC.axl, OSMO and ATOM instead of using USDC pool. In fact, this USDC-DSM pool is completed ignored in the trade route.

May I know why? How can this be solved? Thank you!

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I have flagged to the frontend team, this should not be happening!

Router is meant to detect any potential pool for routing over $1k liquidity and simulate the transaction through each one to find the lowest cost.

DSM is a verified token listed on the info site which are usually the issues. Will let you know when we have an update.

How much liquidity is required in a pool for the swap router to include it in a transaction?

According to the post of @JohnnyWyles above yours; all pools with over $1k liquidity.

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