Enable Superfluid Staking for USDC pools

This proposal would enable Superfluid Staking for OSMO pairings of USDC.

These pools are:

Adding these pools to Superfluid Staking allows users in a Classic pool or who have a passive position in a Supercharged pool to stake the OSMO portion of their liquidity.

At the current 25% discount rate, 75% of the OSMO in a position is able to be staked.

This proposal asks whether governance trusts in the stability and security of USDC via Noble sufficiently to allow their tokens to have an influence on Osmosis governance.

About USDC

USDC is a digital dollar issued by Circle, also known as a stablecoin, running on many of the world’s leading blockchains. Designed to represent US dollars on the internet, USDC is backed 100% by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets so that it’s always redeemable 1:1 for USD.

About Noble

Noble is an appchain purpose-built for native asset issuance in Cosmos and the boundless Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) ecosystem.

Target on-chain date: 15th February 2024


Catching up on adding SFS to large assets :stuck_out_tongue:


Supportive of this, about time!