Welcome to Osmosis Community! 👋

Hey everyone. Welcome to the shiny new governance platform. I cannot honestly say I was ever a frequent user of commonwealth so I will be relying on input and feedback for the first little while here while we get eveything set up and organized.

That being said, please do not be shy! If any topic or feature is missing or badly implemented, if you see any areas big or small that could be added or improved upon please let me know. Hopefully we can all help make the transition as smooth as possible and harbor more activity with a smoother more intuitive (and most importantly… functional) discussion space!


Osmosis Governance Chamber

Discussion space for Osmosis chain governance and other relevant topics.

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in #feedback or contact the admins.


:wave: :ok_hand: :v: hi all guys , my name Aleksey


Are there any openings at osmosis right now?


Hi I go by Lonny, I am new to the Osmosis chain, but have invested in ATOM and found this project very intriguing(I know of Osmosis but only in relation to CEX markets.) I’m looking forward to investing in Osmosis and hopefully earn some decent interest.(APR compounded every day, over APY, I hope.) anyways thanks for letting me introduce myself to your community and I hope to be a helpful member in the near future. God Bless those in need, and those whom seek Truth above all.
Sincerely, Lonny


As a newcomer to the chain I’d love to know the condition and outlook of Osmosis, in the best non-biased way possible…why should I invest in Osmosis(after reading about the proposed permission-less governance and now have concerns about the entire eco of Cosmos?) Plus as I’ve addressed in another comment, Osmosis is currently over 1/10 of the entire Cosmos ecosystem…if Osmosis is in trouble, Cosmos is surely in trouble and they have no one to blame but themselves or yourselves. I don’t know how it works completely, yet. I’m hoping this has been addressed and if so can anyone please close this issue. If not please highlight it as a potential problem for all Cosmos users. Thanks for your comments and support!


In a nutshell, Osmosis is aiming for a CEX-like experience for the interchain whilst being a DEX. This has led to the exploration of issues that CEXs haven’t had to deal with due to their ability to custody user funds, and other DEXs haven’t had to tackle due to mostly being siloed on a single chain.
This has resulted in features such as fast block times and Smart Accounts for a responsive interface, Alloyed Assets to abstract away bridge usage for users, and integration with DeFi applications crosschain.

These forums tend to be the place where proposals are formally discussed, if you want to get a sense of the ecosystem, then best places would probably be Twitter, Telegram or Discord for a more live chat

Twitter also has regular summary threads such as this, and update calls about the direction every few weeks on a Wednesday:

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Welcome @Lonnard3

I hope you will be a common visitor of the forum as well to support governance discussions :slight_smile:

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