Pool OSMO/WBTC is not good

OSMOSIS is one of the best DEX in cosmos and I think with IBC for all network.
Now we have pool 712 with give me 6% reward and if I need more reward I should upgrade to supercharged.
I have no time to manage supercharge pools.
Now I can stake 50% of my OSMO for 12% and hold my WBTC. then 6% is not good.
I think we need normal intensives for OSMO/WBTC (about 15% or more) this encourage people to add liquidity and use WBTC in OSMO.

I think we have to make supercharged for only stable coins because position have meaning for that.

I think we need to review intensive for pool 712 and supercharged for none stable coin pools.

You still get incentives and swap fees in 712 as if you had migrated to the Supercharged pool, with a slight (5%) discount for not migrating.

Incentives didn’t distribute yesterday as can be seen in the current expedited proposal: https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/588

Back to normal at today’s epoch.

It is very bad OSMO/WBTC is important pool in OSMOSIS.
Make it supercharged without normal intensives is wrong decision.

You can still take part in the Supercharged Pool without continuously managing your position. Bond the liquidity and enjoy the SuperFluid Staking option which comes available. That way you have AND fees AND staking rewards, giving you more than the 12% for only staking.

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