Make Osmosis Great Again

Hey Osmosis Community!

We all know the Cosmos ecosystem isn’t as popular as some other chains right now. But that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. We can work together to change things.

I have an idea to share, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Cosmos is awesome because of its speed and IBC, but we need to make it more attractive to new projects and appreciate our existing users. Here’s a proposal we talked about on the Osmosis Telegram chat:

  1. Raise Fees: Increase swap fees on the Osmosis zone by 5%-10%.
  2. Create an AFSA Fund: Put 5% of the net profit from into a new fund called the Appreciation Fair Share Allocation (AFSA).
  3. Index Stakers: List addresses that stake OSMO tokens and highlight those who regularly use for swaps.
  4. Fair Share Points: Use a point system based on staking and swaps on The formula is (staking + swap transactions) / (total staking + total transactions in a cycle). A cycle could be 3, 6, or 9 months.
  5. Distribute AFSA: At the end of each cycle, distribute the AFSA funds to OSMO stakers based on the points.

In the crypto world, people often think you need to be a VC or Validator to succeed. But with this AFSA system, we can bring more benefits to regular users and stakers.

Let me know what you think!


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  1. We’ve had some fun ideas of a ‘troll box’ , but a leaderboard box could also be fun! (or have them tied together somehow)
  2. This is sort of being explored, not exactly as you write, but definitely in some sense.
  3. Interesting idea.

A few ideas myself and others have brainstormed, off the top of my head

  1. Referral system, could be point based
  2. Redirecting some, or all of taker fees to bringing in new users. New users will be a net benefit to all parties.
  3. Aiming to focus more on non-osmo pairs, ie, the DEX being viewed more similar to a CEX (focusing on USD and BTC pairs, instead of OSMO pairs. ie, Uniswap’s primary pairs are not $UNI paired)