Keplr upgrade last summer


After performing the V2.0 upgrade last summer, my OSMO rewards are no longer accruing to my OSMO assests. Can you advise on how to get them?

Staking rewards should still be claimable if you have anything staked.
In terms of OSMO automatically showing in your wallet, this may be that your assets are in the older bonded pools which no longer receive incentive emissions in OSMO.

Incentives are currently only present on the newer Supercharged pools, and these are also now via a claim mechanism within those pool pages rather than automatically appearing.

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OK! Thank you!

So do I have to unbond my pools and retake them in super staking?

Yup, that is the way to go if you want to receive incentives for pooling again ^^

Good to know. It’s a shame that I missed all those months, but better late than never! Thanks again for your help.

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