Incentives Working Group

An Incentives Working Group was formed as part of the recent incentive changes in Prop 578. This thread will serve as a central place for community members to leave comments for the working group. The group meets periodically, and our meeting minutes are available here.

Meetings will generally be available to the public. Even if a meeting is not hosted publicly, its minutes will still be published. We will attempt to answer as many topical questions as we can during the meeting time.

If a set of questions seems similar, we may paraphrase/summarize them into one. If you ever feel like your question was missed or not understood, please let us know! We want to make sure the community can actively participate as they please.


Maybe good to also include the “Who was present” and “Who was absent” part also in the meeting minutes.


Good thinking. I added that in. Thank you!


Updating to inform everyone that tomorrow’s meeting will be postponed until Monday at 11:30am EST. Just accommodating some scheduling conflicts among the group’s members. Sorry for any inconvenience!


Our working group meeting has started! You can join us on the Osmosis Discord.

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Apologies for the late notice. The working group meeting has started. You can join us on the Osmosis Discord. The meeting minutes can be found here.

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So with incentives being removed from all but a handful of pools next month, is the group basically going to be disbanded or shifting focus?


While fewer pools are being incentivized, there’s still work to be done. Primarily working on fine-tuning the incentives, completing the SCL migration, and migrating to Volume Splitting Gauges. The bootstrapping process for newer pools (i.e., future additional strategic assets) is also being worked on.

Ideally, we reach a maintenance phase where minimal effort is required. At that point, discussing disbanding/shifting focus would make sense.


Reminder that the working group is meeting today! You can join us here. The meeting agenda is available here.


I’ll be traveling and we’ve just swapped to VSG, so the working group will not be meeting this Friday. We shall meet mid-November to discuss VSG and its impact along with next steps in integrating VSG to the incentives algorithm.


I am back and the working group is back in session. We’ll be meeting Monday, the 20th, at 11:0am EST. Primarily discussing VSG and Taker Fees. You can view the meeting agenda here.


My apologies, we will be postponing this meeting until Friday the 24th. Some members of the working group have been under the weather recently. The agenda will be updated with the new date and time once that’s finalized. Thank you for understanding!


Update, we’ll be meeting tomorrow at 1pm EST! Same agenda as linked before.


Updated forum link for anyone interested:


Meeting has started! Feel free to join us here. The meeting agenda can be found here.


Apologies for the late reminder, we’re meeting today at 10:30am EST for anyone who wants to join. The agenda is here and we’ll be chatting in the Osmosis Discord Auditorium.

Edit: Had some technical difficulties with the discord and had to take the meeting offline. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Any meeting summary?


The agenda has some more details, but for a high-level summary:

  • Monitoring Dashboard has been reviewed, and the numbers mostly look good (Need to update incentives saved number). We’re always happy to receive community feedback if you have any!

  • Taker Fees: We are still awaiting an API endpoint before incorporating these. v21 may remove this concern. They’d impact liquidity numbers for non-ATOM/OSMO LPs with taker fees. The impact shouldn’t be significant.

  • Volume Splitting Gauges: Completely integrated into the algorithm. I need to confirm external incentives splitting works live still, but fingers crossed that it’ll go smoothly as it worked in testing.

  • Bootstrapping Incentives: Eyeing incentives for Namada. Working out a budget and process to streamline these.

  • Incentives Saved Endpoint available. We are looking to incorporate this number when budgeting for bootstrapping new pools and as a general KPI for the working group.

For next time:

  • I’m working on some QoL things to help streamline putting props on the chain. I will also update the public docs.

  • Johnny is working on some strategic bootstrapping work, and I’ll also assist.

  • Johnny’s also working on double-checking the January proposal as we approach that.

  • Chaos Labs is updating the dashboard and documentation.

The next meeting is tentatively set for January 5th, 10:30 am EST.


We’re meeting today to discuss TWAP Updates & SCL Capital Efficiency work. You can view the meeting minutes here or join us in the auditorium on discord!