Claw Back SAIL DAO Funding

Hey Ryan, thanks for the feedback.

The intent of this proposal is not to unwind the ROAR / OSMO pool but rather to maintain it as-is.

If you’d prefer that the position be unwound instead we can definitely get a subsequent proposal up to that effect. But it’s unclear whether that’s your preference or if you’d rather maintain the LP given this bit here:

In either case, open to helping make it happen if this initial proposal passes.

Why should the Osmosis community pool own the LP in it’s entirety given the consideration we were provided with (SAIL Tokens) would be rendered valueless by this proposal.

Unwinding the LP and returning the remaining ROAR in the pool would leave us with ~$7.5K less value than we inputted. It would seem to me that the only “fair” solutions are as I proposed:

  • Return 10Bn ROAR
  • Cede 50% of the ROAR/OSMO LP to the Lion DAO treasury & 50% to the Osmosis community pool
  • 3rd option: return the ROAR left in the LP and make up the lost value in OSMO e.g. 6.3Bn ROAR & $7.5K OSMO

I didn’t imply that the Osmosis community pool should retain the position in its entirety

Option 2 seems fine, but I can’t really speak for governance here.

Your proposal to claw back Sail DAO funds is shortsighted and damaging. It undermines trust and jeopardizes projects that have brought real value to the Osmosis community.


I disagree with this!
Since the withdrawal of funds from SAIL DAO will negatively affect the trust of the community, especially those who supported the project.


This proposal is just peak corruption.

@RoboMcGobo stop spreading lies. It is not the Osmosis community speaking through you, it is your own opinion with slanderous lies, to get your own agenda through.

Let’s start with reviewing SAIl DAO creation proposal:

  1. Fulfilled
  2. Fulfilled
  3. Fulfilled
  4. Fulfilled
  5. Fullfilled


  1. Fulfilled
  2. Fulfilled
  3. Fulfilled
  4. In progress
  5. Partially Fulfilled

@RoboMcGobo is questioning a loss of around 77k OSMO ($ 45k).
But the numbers are a lie and here is why:

Total worth of the provided 3.5 M OSMO today: $ 1.9 M
Total worth of the LPs @RoboMcGobo wants to clawback: $1,992,053

Total worth still in SAIL DAO: $ 339,891

  • 642,776,560 SAIL worth appx. $169,493 [excluded]
  • 3,601,755 WHALE worth appx. $26,398
  • SAIL / WHALE LP Shares worth appx. $130,000
  • WHALE / RSTK LP Shares worth appx. $14,000

This comes to a total treasury value of SAIL DAO of $2,331,944

Comparing this to the “do nothing” case, since the inception of SAIL DAO on 10th January, it created an RoI (Return on Investment) of $431,944. Leading to a yearly APR of 45 % as of today!

[not counting Apps, Dev Work, Utility, Trading Activity, Arb Vaults, Mad Scientists, Mad Lab, Airdrops for SAIL holders, circulating SAIL, treasury SAIL, future airdrops for Osmosis, bad token price action]

Numbers don’t lie. @RoboMcGobo does.


According to the high level of controversies that this thread clearly expresses, we have no other choice but to obide by our politically neutral commitment to our Delegators on this matter. Therefore, if this vote reaches on-chain governance, our validator will cast an Abstain ballot and invite all our delegators to vote on their own instead. Despite some evident misconduct from the SAIL DAO, we think it is even more important to follow our own obligations first. As we stated previously, at Govmos, we are in support of this proposal, but as a validator, we have to obide by our politically neutral commitment above all else.


So the pools that are in WW dex are:

LAB-OSMO - 144K bootstraped by Streamswap
ampOSMO-OSMO $687.14K - Sail dao prop forfilled
SAIL-WHALE $129.45K - bootstraped with whale
WHALE-OSMO $108.01K - Sail dao prop forfilled
ROAR-OSMO $35.18K - New Community brought to osmosis this was the only liquidity deal the Sail dao did until now
SHARK-OSMO $51.70K No Liquity deal Shark bootstrap their own streamswap
bOSMO-OSMO $681.42K - Sail dao prop forfilled
WHALE-WBTC $0.00 This pool will be used to migaloo install the abstration fees a open source moddle from osmosis on migaloo
RSTK-WHALE $15.58K - This was bootstrap by migaloo fundation

The only liquidty deal SAil dao did until now was with lion dao and i think in my opinion was a great deal…
Rest were bootstraap by their communities and teams…

As such Robo claims make no sense…


At Stakecito, we make our decisions based on what is in the best interest of the network in question. This is our governance North Star.

As such, we have voted in support of clawing back these funds.

Full verdict can be found here:


Oh and by the way, writing tweets and tagging our validator saying our decision does not reflect well on Stakecito, or adding poop emojis to my comments only assures me that this is the right decision.

The Osmosis community has generally been a rather peaceful and respectful one despite its differences.

First step should have been discussions & proposals on how to better Sail DAO & address concerns. Not jumping to the KillSwitch right off the jump before doing so. Some valid points were brought up & have a feeling things can be addressed and fixed instead of going nuclear.

I hope NO Vote wins out & solutions can be implemented that address these concerns. Everyone was having fun when the markets were pumping, lets not let the ALT/Cosmos Bear eat everyone alive.

-Matt - Galactic Mining Community Member/Degen :saluting_face:


Yeah I think that something like this is the better path.

Yes, I agree with your point of view here. Especially because it leads into some spicy liquid staking stuff which well I certainly have my own spicy takes on.

Robo, I must say that I’ve observed this stuff throughout cosmos governance. It isn’t good. But that’s what’s being done to SAIL here, and yeah it is silly. This prop likely should have had a minimum term or something.

Or we lose the decentralized vibes.

By the way I have no problem with your raising the proposal, it’s not the proposal I would have made, but I want to make clear that I understand your concerns.

I can’t say I feel stride is a virgin here in gov policy “lobbying / bullying”.

But yeah one person’s lobbying is another person’s bullying and I think that’s just a reality.

The issue is the trustworthiness of governance funding.

I think the more appropriate path would have been to outline changes needed to sail.

Disagree about it being the right decision, but agree with method (judging the poo emojis and tagged tweets)

To be clear, I need to draw the line here. It’s not thievery, it is short sighted.

That’s a big difference but you would do well to abide by it.

Yeah, we won’t be changing our vote despite coordinated efforts on Twitter to try and harass me into it.


A vote has now gone up on the sail dao to rug the treasury’s remaining osmo.

It’s currently passing.

This is the exact type of behavior that led to this clawback proposal in the first place. It’s clear that continuing to custody Osmosis community funds in the sail dao treasury is unsafe.


As mentioned on Twitter, these numbers very much do lie.

Total worth of the provided 3.5 M OSMO today: $ 1.9 M
Total worth of the LPs @RoboMcGobo wants to clawback: $1,992,053

Total worth still in SAIL DAO: $ 339,891

  • 642,776,560 SAIL worth appx. $169,493 [excluded]
  • 3,601,755 WHALE worth appx. $26,398
  • SAIL / WHALE LP Shares worth appx. $130,000
  • WHALE / RSTK LP Shares worth appx. $14,000

This comes to a total treasury value of SAIL DAO of $2,331,944

Comparing this to the “do nothing” case, since the inception of SAIL DAO on 10th January, it created an RoI (Return on Investment) of $431,944. Leading to a yearly APR of 45 % as of today!

$431,944 is the excess from the first section - which mainly consists of the additional matching of WHALE, LAB and ROAR (($96k + 28k + 30k)/2 = $77k)
Plus the second section of
169,493 + 26,398 + 13000 + 14000 = 339,891

Which includes the SAIL treasury in the calculations despite being shown as [excluded] and the vast majority is made up of SAIL/WHALE and WHALE portions added by Migaloo.

You can’t count assets received as matching as profit as you haven’t actually earned them.

Real Return on Investment would be the swap fees yielded on these 7 pairings compared to the assets lost in the same period.

Similarly, you can’t make a one-off bootstrapping spend to seed liquidity and initial mint and then extrapolate that into regular income for a yearly yield. It is, by definition, a single event.

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Is there a way we can prevent this? I see their vote ends in 7 days.

I can’t believe how incredibly unprofessional this is turning.

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Yup - DAODAO makes this very easy as long as we push this to chain in the next 40 hours.

Draft Message

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Oh, so now you are the victim? Not the SAIL DAO retail stakers? You sounded so different just a little while ago…

If it’s not thievery then I assume retail investors who put money into SAIL DAO will be recompensated? And so will be TheLionDAO who exchanged Roar tokens for SAIL?