Bootstrap DOGE Liquidity on Osmosis with $150k USDC

The Osmosis community has always been at the forefront of innovation in the DEX space. The onchain, decentralized market for trading DOGE is underdeveloped. With the creation of int3face and its bridge to Dogecoin, Osmosis has been the first location to trade DOGE in this capacity!

While the market is in a bootstrapping phase, more awareness of DOGE being available is needed to attract traders. One issue is only having liquidity on the BTC/DOGE pairing with no active market making. To help bootstrap this market, this proposal asks for $150,000 USDC from the community pool to purchase and LP DOGE into a USDC pairing on Osmosis. This liquidity provision should be made at a .01% spread factor to help encourage more CEX<>DEX arb and better pricing to bootstrap the market.

Protocol fees should also be removed for the DOGE <> USDC pairing for a period of up to 90 days, or until DOGE/USDC liquidity doubles, to provide more incentive for liquidity providers to begin to add their own DOGE positions on Osmosis and establish a deeper market. This was previously performed in the ERC-20 Bootstrapping Proposal for several assets.


  1. DOGE Dominates Volume
    On centralized exchanges (CEXs), DOGE consistently ranks among the top three assets by trading volume when discounting volume spikes. By bolstering DOGE liquidity on Osmosis, we can tap into this massive volume and attract active traders with DOGE.

  2. Osmosis: The First Decentralized DOGE DEX
    Osmosis made history by being the first decentralized exchange to list DOGE. However, the market still needs to be developed. By bootstrapping liquidity, we can solidify Osmosis’ position as the go-to DEX for DOGE trading and showcase the power of decentralized markets.

  3. Bridge Barriers Need Initial Incentivization
    Until recently, the bridge to bring DOGE onto Osmosis was cumbersome for users. Although the bridging interfaces are rapidly improving, we can help the market solve the initial DOGE liquidity onboarding. This proposal would help bring $100k USDC more on-chain.

These factors make DOGE an effective asset to target for bootstrapping onchain liquidity.

Requested Deployment

One learning point from the BTC liquidity deployment was that it fulfilled the purpose of acquiring volume but also spent excessive USDC, which was not utilized as part of the liquidity deployment. We don’t know what the market will do, but for bootstrapping new markets, we should aim to get more of the new listing past the bridging hurdle as possible while having less unused USDC and exposure on the downside. This leaves more USDC available for other strategies (e.g., lending in Mars or more community pool LPing to bolster volumes)

Therefore, a new Margined vault will target initial settings of -6% to +12% for the range. Due to the automated repositioning strategy of these vaults, this position will remain valid beyond this volatility range. Margined vaults were previously used for protocol liquidity deployments of BTC/USDC in Proposal 882 and charge a 15% performance fee. This deployment has seen value maintenance once adjusting for BTC volatility while facilitating the most liquidity depth in the 0.01% spread factor BTC/USDC pool, generating taker fees.

The requested $150k USDC aims to utilize around 10% of the USDC in the community pool to establish a pool with sufficient depth to form a new market. This is similar in size to the previous ETH/BTC liquidity deployment, which was more narrowly deployed (+/- 2.5%) but on a more correlated market.

Execution Plan

  • Upon governance approval of this proposal, place a limit order to purchase DOGE using $100k USDC at the CoinGecko price at creation by utilizing the Osmosis Liquidity subDAO as an intermediary, similarly to other proposals.
  • Market makers are expected to clear this limit order through arbitrage when the DOGE price on CEXs drops below this limit order.
  • After the acquisition, the DOGE will be added to a newly deployed Margined DOGE/USDC vault with a range of -6% to +12%.
  • These positions will be transferred back to the community pool until governance approves further adjustments to these holdings.


  • Enhanced Market Activity: Higher DOGE liquidity will attract retail and institutional traders seeking decentralized trading options. While this doesn’t get to the requisite liquidity for institutional trading, it forms a base liquidity layer to start the market.
  • Increased volume: Increased volume on DOGE helps generate more revenue for the community pool in the form of taker fees after the promotional period and profit on the CL position.
  • Increased Exposure to top 10 assets will increase the Osmosis community pool’s exposure to DOGE, the sixth-largest (non-stablecoin) crypto asset by market cap.


If DOGE goes down, the community pool will lose funds due to its exposure to Dogecoin. If DOGE moons, the community doesn’t fully experience its upside. Hence, we should not add too much exposure to this, as DOGE is a highly volatile cryptocurrency, and either situation could easily happen.

However, the community pool would gain .11% in fees (.1% taker fee + .01% spread factor) on each trade. So, if we assume that DOGE remains at this price or goes upward, it is a gain. The max downside is losing the $150k allocated. Unlike the BTC/USDC spend proposal, this is not a spend that intends to predict if DOGE will rise or fall but one based on the observation that DOGE commands massive volumes on CEXs and is worth this size of risk as a community spends to establish a decentralized market on Osmosis.

Performance Indicators

  • DOGE Volume - has remained quite stagnant over the last 2 months with the solo BTC pool. With $150k of low-fee liquidity paired against USDC, the target should be to increase volume to at least $4m per week. This is half ETH’s volume, which has $300k USDC paired liquidity.

  • Spend Value - Will correlate to DOGE performance. Ideal performance would be to maintain or rise in value, including any taker fee generation once these are re-enabled.

Target Onchain Date: 4th February 2025


Having the first mover advantage on trading DOGE is a great position to be in.

An investment like this to attract volume or new users is a promising avenue for growth, and that amount of DOGE exposure at this stage in the market cycle for the community pool seems a reasonable amount of risk for the potential reward.


I’m ok with trying to see how this will evolve. I am not sure it will do the trick as intended, because I always tend to wonder why no-one else has tried it before.

I really like that there is a target volume to be acquired, what is the expected timeframe to aim for?

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Who is getting the performance fee of the Margined vaults and for what service? Aren’t the vaults completely automated? Shouldn’t we (the community pool) internalize the fees or ask for a discount, since we directly funded their development with an official 50k$ OGP grant?

Also, isn’t a 16% target spread HUGE?! I guess we are not providing a service to traders but trying to rip them off (and getting 85% max of the arbitrage).

How to track the historical performance of the vaults? Margined docs are incomplete and the strategy being used (I guess? It’s the one of the existing BTC/ETH pool) “CL Dynamic LP” is not even mentioned (maybe it’s there with a different name?).

Margined gets the performance fee as the vault provider. This is standard as they are benchmarked against Quasar and Apollo fees. Since it is a performance fee, we don’t pay based on the initial deposit. While the vaults are automated, that still requires infrastructure to run, and Margined is continuing to build out improvements to the vaults.

The setting for liquidity isn’t the gap between the market price and the start of the position; it is the gap between the market price and the end of the position. This could probably have been clearer. It is large since DOGE is quite volatile, so the position is broader than we had for the BTC vaults.

The vaults have mostly only seen returns in the form of volatility vs. the deposit price. Since they’re in a low-fee pool, we’re also looking to measure the liquidity performance regarding taker fee generation as well as the deployed liquidity itself. Metrics for the vaults themselves are still a couple of weeks out since we only deployed liquidity towards the end of January, but with initial results, they have retained value well despite the high volatility.

I’ll nudge Margined to update these docs, they use a similar methodology to the Grid trading and LST positions though. They’re all the same contract underneath but with different settings. A key principle of Margined vaults is that they rely on automated repositioning at trigger points rather than rebalancing.

This would be the up-to 90 day period in which the protocol fees are removed.

If we don’t see performance indicators met at the end of that, that would be the time to re-evaluate

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