Add a Minimum Yes Vote Parameter to Pass Proposals


Eliminate abstain for the love of god.

The abstain vote option can be made obsolete by requiring participation and strictly defining the vote no to mean take no action, the yes option to take whatever action is described and the veto option to mean veto.

Seriously I don’t like this proposal. If you want to abstain don’t vote, right now the abstain vote option is just a virtue signaling mechanism for validators (at best).

  • Validators use abstain to virtue signal “hey I voted”
    • Except they know full well that they are tilting the results of votes by using abstain and therefore we shouldn’t have abstain, it’s a bad idea.

Veto should be eliminated for a lot of things too, it just should not be eliminated for things that can break consensus or otherwise harm the chain, like client update proposals.

I’m likely to veto this proposal, because we still have an abstain option and we shouldn’t.

(Could be there’s a message in there)