Support Lab Chat

a tip button should be integrated into the chat window. When you got help and have a feeling of tipping the person that helped you. The button could lead to an osmosis wallet so it could accept all kind of crypto. by selecting an asset, an amount and maybe a message, a tip could be sent. Could this be done?
Keep up the great work anyways! you truly rock!

If you make this you can have 25% of the tips for the first 2 years.

lol jk… kinda. Fr though thank you man.

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@Max :grin: you’re all over the placeS :slight_smile: Great!
Well i’m not kinda joking :smiley:

It is really good to hear the positive note for this!

A lot of conversations are always held on “how much the service costs”, but the positive upside it has for Osmosis is not always taken into account for that conversation.

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Exactly and it should go something like Giving credit where credit is due.