Sail With the Whale V2: SAIL DAO (Updated)

:smiley: definitly for it! Lets make it happen!

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I voted Yes. thanks for proposition.

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I support this prop!

I support this proposal!

As I’m sure you have seen, this prop passed with overwelming support but the execute function failed. This thread on x is my proposed path forward, happy to hear feedback.


I support this proposal

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Ofcourse is YES

but if we continue like this, we will end up bankrupt from the fees to vote:P

Yes. I think it will be ok thios time

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My vote is YES and i support this proposal

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I support this. YES👍

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confuse where can i vote?

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Hey, votes are made directly on chain from your Cosmos wallet (keplr, leap…etc)

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Successfully Voted YES to the proposal.

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You have very well seen and edited the missing parts of the previous proposal and the parts that need to be completed. Thank you for this. I Will Definitely Use All My Voting Power. I Support This Proposal.

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I really hope all these new users on the forum will be here to stay, and are not just participants of a one-time charming offensive… I really don’t like those floods of new one-time users, since they dilute the forum in general with non-essential responses.


Ready to vote for yes

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so the props 694 702 & 707 failed but they are still using the snapshot from that failed prop. . .kinda hard to keep track to vote when you have 4+ props going on a single subject. 694 702 708 707 can the dev’s prep the correct prop and revote

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The updated prop on is on chain now

Unfortunately there were some changes with how proposals are submitted with v21 as we moved to a newer version of the Cosmos SDK and led to some teething troubles. Just bad luck that we had 3 spend props all impacted!

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For the request from @White_Whale prop #707 is not relevant.

Prop #694 was indeed rejected, after which amendments have been make to get to #702 indeed.

This thread is on the same topic though: Unfair snapshot? sail dao


Do we know what the $SAIL token launch price will be?

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