Reduced taker fee for OSMO/bOSMO, SAGA/stSAGA and INJ/stINJ

In accordance to the general set rules the taker fee for 3 LST pairings should be reduced from 0.1% taker fee to the reduced rate of 0.02%. This proposal lowers the taker fee for the following pairings: OSMO/bOSMO SAGA/stSAGA INJ/stINJ

Rules: Volatile = 0.1% (0.05% and 0.2% pools mostly)
LST = 0.02%
Composability = 0.01% if incentivised, 0 otherwise

This proposal has been posted in the DAO for the Taker Fee:

It has passed threshold and will be executed after the voting period ends on 13-04-2024.