nBTC Revenue Share Proposal

I think the current business model of bridges (especially Bitcoin bridges) is very awkward with regards to a DEX like Osmosis.

A Bitcoin bridge normally really only has a one main opportunity to charge fees, on the outbound transfer of BTC of mainnet Bitcoin (the BTC mostly leaves one time, and doesn’t go back to mainnet). Thus, they need to charge high fees on the bridging from Bitcoin to Osmosis.

However, this is the opposite of what Osmosis wants! We want the onboarding of BTC into Osmosis to be as cheap and frictionless as possible! Although, at the same time, we want to make sure our bridging partners are profitable; after all, we want them to keep investing in security and new features.

This proposal threads this needle, because it aligns incentives between Osmosis and its bridge partner. Instead of gouging users on entering Osmosis, both Osmosis and Nomic have the same goal now: maximize trading volume of BTC on Osmosis!

I think this proposal, if passed, is a significant milestone in DAO-to-DAO deals. It provides a new “rev share” business model for bridges, one that is uniquely possible with appchains (its hard to replicate this in generalized blockchains).