When I want to unbound a liquidity from a pool, I can´t to do today, Yesterday I could it.
The message is:
Incompatible Signing Requested
Error: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT can’t be signed on Ledger. Contact the web app provider to fix this issue.
I hope that you can give me a solution soon,
This is an issue with the front end, specifically to do with Ledger signing on that message.
The team is aware and should have a fix deployed shortly.
Interaction is still possible using the command line if needed.
Please, How do I it?
Thank you so much for you answer.
Workaround at the moment is quite complex and unless urgent would recommend waiting for this to be resolvedb
Download the osmosisd binary from github =>
add the ledger to the cli <=
osmosisd keys add leg --ledger
query positions using their address
osmosisd q concentratedliquidity user-positions <addr> --node https://rpc.osmosis.zone:443
use the position id and liquidity to submit the txn
osmosisd tx concentratedliquidity withdraw-position positionid liquidity --from leg --chain-id osmosis-1 --sign-mode amino-json --fees 3005uosmo --gas 1201872
When it will be fix? I can’t remove my liquidity for a few days already.
when will you fix this bug?
Error: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT can’t be signed on Ledger. Contact the web app provider to fix this issue.
This fix was implemented yesterday. If you’re still getting this, please force-refresh your browser to ensure you’re on the current app.osmosis.zone frontend.