Create Supercharged Pools: Community Requests

Yes, you should not need to provide any fund for the pool other than paying fee for creating the pool.


Hi @JohnnyWyles - Leonoors helped to create the CL pool for AVAX/OSMO with pool # 1407. However its not visible at Front-End yet. Do you know is there anything particularly we need to do since its deployed but not visible in Osmosis site yet?


Hey, as mentioned in the docs, a small amount of liquidity needs to be added to make this visible on the frontend. This effectively sets the starting price and so enables the graph display. Makes pool creation a 2 step process for Supercharged pools, whereas the stableswap/classic pool had the ratio set during creation.

Have just done this step now :slight_smile:

Edit: Just noticed that this is actually 0.5% rather than 0.05% swap fee.
Might struggle to compete with the existing balancer pool here


Ah crap… so we missed a 0 in our command?

So it should have been:

osmosisd tx concentratedliquidity create-pool ibc/6F62F01D913E3FFE472A38C78235B8F021B511BC6596ADFF02615C8F83D3B373 uosmo 100 0.0005 --from [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] --chain-id osmosis-1 -b block --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.025uosmo

@jcsarker do you want to create a new pool?


Thanks @JohnnyWyles . So after submitting the pool with that command, if its not visible then how can we submit a small or any liquidity in the pool? It need to visible first , right? May be while we submitted pool, might have some error

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Sure. Thats what seems we need to retry. Thanks again @LeonoorsCryptoman . I will send $100 USDC equivalent to you soon. Hope it works this time. Lets hope for the best.
As Johnny mentioned we need to provide atleast littlr liquidity to have it visible in the front end. How can we do it if its not visible after creating the pool? Is it also need to be done by command line?

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It’s still via the command line, send me a PM, and I’ll move enough liquidity across - there’s a slight issue at the moment with new pools displaying, which means we need more than a token amount. :frowning:

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Buddy @LeonoorsCryptoman - Seems there need to provide also initial liquidity after creating pool, and seems front end having issue and Johnny offered to help with move around some liquidity on that pair after creating, I have asked @JohnnyWyles to help with whole process including creating the pool. Thanks Leonoors again for following up on this

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Excited to watch the volume overtake the classic pool!


Thank you @JohnnyWyles @LeonoorsCryptoman for helping out creating AVAX-OSMO supercharge pool. Very much appreciated


@JohnnyWyles - Just noticed some error on OSMO-AVAX pool while tyring to provide liquidity its giving this massage not Initialized and not allowing to provide liqidity in the pool. I am not seeing any other pool giving same issue and particularly on this pool. Did not have issue before but happening today. Wondering anything need to be done. I have contacted Osmosis support team also, and they are working on it to resolve the issue. Lets see

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