Claw Back SAIL DAO Funding

This proposal is just peak corruption.

@RoboMcGobo stop spreading lies. It is not the Osmosis community speaking through you, it is your own opinion with slanderous lies, to get your own agenda through.

Let’s start with reviewing SAIl DAO creation proposal:

  1. Fulfilled
  2. Fulfilled
  3. Fulfilled
  4. Fulfilled
  5. Fullfilled


  1. Fulfilled
  2. Fulfilled
  3. Fulfilled
  4. In progress
  5. Partially Fulfilled

@RoboMcGobo is questioning a loss of around 77k OSMO ($ 45k).
But the numbers are a lie and here is why:

Total worth of the provided 3.5 M OSMO today: $ 1.9 M
Total worth of the LPs @RoboMcGobo wants to clawback: $1,992,053

Total worth still in SAIL DAO: $ 339,891

  • 642,776,560 SAIL worth appx. $169,493 [excluded]
  • 3,601,755 WHALE worth appx. $26,398
  • SAIL / WHALE LP Shares worth appx. $130,000
  • WHALE / RSTK LP Shares worth appx. $14,000

This comes to a total treasury value of SAIL DAO of $2,331,944

Comparing this to the “do nothing” case, since the inception of SAIL DAO on 10th January, it created an RoI (Return on Investment) of $431,944. Leading to a yearly APR of 45 % as of today!

[not counting Apps, Dev Work, Utility, Trading Activity, Arb Vaults, Mad Scientists, Mad Lab, Airdrops for SAIL holders, circulating SAIL, treasury SAIL, future airdrops for Osmosis, bad token price action]

Numbers don’t lie. @RoboMcGobo does.