Proposal of Loan Swap of OSMO to NOM

Disclaimer to start with: I validate on both Nomic as well as Osmosis.

Regarding the ask; the temperature in the room tends to point to a massive rewrite of the proposal. Wording should be improved, but also the “what is in it for Osmosis” part is severely lacking. Osmosis governance is not perse hostile against doing loans as has been shown in the past and looking at the Levana proposal being on the forum at this very moment.

The other point regarding Streamswap also holds true. It is a great route to obtain more funds and start liquidity at the market. The time seems right for it right now.
Regarding the risk; is there also an added risk if the IBC-ability of NOM is activated before the audit? Are there any risks expected, maybe due to the custom coding?
Until now all tokens are airdropped or minted, maybe time to get to the point where investors can get in as well. Are there balances reserved for that purpose as well?