Implement a taker fee reduction system for active traders

Quite right, this would be the case for the staking perk implementation too… it probably is also smart contract limited so perhaps there should be a clause just to specify that this kind of activity would have a discount voided for an address, any upload rights revoked and the contract disabled (If this is possible).

I can’t find the exact link now. The previous topics along those lines were:


but they don’t mention it. There was a very long argument on Telegram about taker fees that I might be mixing up with this.

Glad the raising of default would be included.

I’m wondering if a stake could be viewed as a rebate of taker fees in itself since they go to it. However the percentage discount is likely far lower than an actual discount perk.
Something like gating by both volume and stake,
Tier 1 = 100 OSMO staked OR 1k Volume in last week
Tier 2 = 1000 OSMO staked OR 10k Volume in last week OR Both Tier 1 requirements
Tier 3 = 10,000 OSMO Staked OR 100k Volume in last week OR Both Tier 2 requirements