Deploy $500k POL on the XPRT/OSMO pool on Osmosis jointly from the Persistence One and Osmosis Community Pools

To me isn’t seems excessively high, indeed it´s very cheap, if you look at 20M OSMO deployed to STRIDE protocol or the 2M ERIS protocol pretend to the same pourpose, you can obtain some perspective.
Here is a quote from PHilipp:

Of course all this moves like everything in life request time, we wiil not seeing high volumes overnigth but the cost / benefit here is paramount. PSTAKE and persistence team are working tirelessly bringing stkOSMO and instant unbonding for LP assets adding stkDYDX soon and some others so i see so much potential vs low risk and “cheap” investment , personally i migrated my ATOM and XPRT from OSMOSIS to DEXTER because OSMO no longer offer liquidity in no “strategic assets” this POL can change things and make OSMOSIS more appealing for XPRT holders and others LST´s again, agree with @aaronxkong about the state of things rigth now but that´s what they want change, to me it is worth giving a chance to this POL at least for a year.

Worth give a chance because the upside potencial.

Agreed seems reasonable.

I have no candidates.


Oh yeah¡¡

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