Create Supercharged Pools: Community Request - IST/USDT

@FredRadford I think @JohnnyWyles already has plans on creating a 0.05% spread and 0.01% spread IST/USDT pool. :smiley:

See: Create Supercharged Pools: USDT pairing equivalents

I would also assume that when Noble USDC becomes available a IST/USDC pool would be included on the list of USDC paired supercharged pools.

Since the creation of supercharged pools are being limited to only quote assets at the moment, I wonder if a supercharged IST/ATOM pool would interest liquidity providers and be easier to capitalize with ATOM holders since ATOM (and likely stATOM) is an IST collateral asset and both Axelar and Gravity bridged USDT, USDC, and DAI can be used to mint IST 1:1 using the PSM.

Ive also been wondering lately if it would be beneficial to make IST a quote asset. With ATOM (and likely soon to be stATOM) being an IST collateral asset, there being quite a bit of ATOM capital across several small cap-low volume IBC token in ATOM paired pools that don’t have incentivized OSMO paired pools (e.g. BCNA, CHEQ, LUM, LIKE, etc), thus missing out on the multi-hop discount (which no longer appears not to be active though) if supercharged IST/BCNA, IST/CHEQ, IST/LUM, IST/LIKE, etc would appeal to ATOM/BCNA, ATOM/CHEQ, ATOM/LUM, ATOM/LIKE liquidity providers so that they wouldn’t have to sell their ATOM but use it (or liquid stake it with Stride and use stATOM) to mint IST to provide liquidity to IST paired pools and reduce their exposure to impermanent loss in small-cap low-volume ATOM paired pools. I would think there are some synergies here with IST having the mission of helping boost the interchain economy (in a risk manageable - ie risk-averse manner), The Hub looking to expand the AEZ and increase the adoption of the IBC protocol and number of app chains, Osmosis looking to provide cost-effective stablecoin swapping pools, and USDT and USDC capital being a finite and competition for that capital being highly competitive (e.g. chains like KAVA and Osmosis having to spend a lot of their native tokens as liquidity incentives to attract that capital). I also imagine that being a native IBC stablecoin that through the PSM can be swapped 1:1 for Axelar or Gravity USDC, USDT, or DAI it would provide opptionality to Axelar and Gravity bridged users and stablecoin holders, help manage exposure risks to any one stablecoin or bridge, and help Osmosis remain neutral between stablecoin and bridge usage.

Just some thoughts :smiley:.