Allocate 7m OSMO to the OGP Multisig to Fund Market Making Operations for 12 Months

Point taken :slight_smile:

Funds separation still stands though. Convenience should never ever be the driving force of making choices if it sacrifices basic best practices.

EDIT: I just learned through a very helpful tip of @RealVovochka that there is even a monthly payment for doing the necessary accounting work >.<

I also did not thoroughly check the party at the time of the proposal to be honest. But the website looks like sh*t and they state “Lemma was founded by CPAs from senior roles at the Big 4, to ensure accountability and reliability are never in question with your DAO – including with your finances. Lemma has partnered with many of the most reputable financial administrators in the space and can provide introductions should the DAO or Foundation seek to outsource recording of financial transactions.”

And then to see this basic error… urges me to also step up my own game and make sure the check from my side is also done better next time. The fact that we are in crypto doesn’t mean we need to make the same mistakes as the web2 world already has done. We need to take best practices if we can and improve where needed. Reinventing the wheel is just unnecessary and a waste of time.